If you’ve been following the tour right along, you’ve now seen the telephone building go from nothing to 236 feet, you’ve watched as communications technology moved from smoke signals and horseback to wires and electricity, and you’ve learned a bit about the growth of the city of Denver around all this. You’ve even seen thousands cheer as the new building opened, and looked on as the first customer of the new phone building paid his bill. But what about those who worked in the building? And what about the actual goings-on in the building itself, once it was in operation? And what about that long-promised tour of the building?
On the pages in this section you’ll be given a floor-by-floor virtual tour, with as many photographs and other accessories (such as panoramas) as we can muster to make you feel as though you’re actually there, touring the building now and in 1929 right along with those adoring thousands–and, in fact, you’ll receive a far more complete tour than they had, because you’ll get to see parts of the building the public has never been allowed to see! And while we can’t provide the tea and cakes the 1929 tour-ees nibbled on at the end, we can provide a conversation forum through our Discussion Boards, where you can comment on all you’ve seen and ask questions.
Ready? Let’s go! Follow the links below to see the various floors or click here to continue the tour.